Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Field Trip!

My eighth grade class leaves for an awesome field trip this Monday! I can't wait! We load the buses at 5 a.m. Monday morning :(, but from there on it's five days full of fun(and sleep:P)! We'll get there around 11 or 12, eat, then go to our first activity! By the end of the week I'm sure I'll be REALLY tired! I'll post afterwards and let you know how it was. I'm sure it'll be great!

Monday, April 16, 2012


I'm posting to tell you about what I know and what I've learned about using photos on my blog and in my projects. I realize that I've probably been using pictures that I'm not supposed to be using. Ever since starting my blog I've been trying my best to give credit to the people I got the pictures from. Creative Commons is a great way to get pictures. There are so many different types of pictures, there's really no need to go out and use a copyrighted picture. Creative Commons allows me to use pictures easily, as long as I give attribution to the creator. I will do my best not to use a copyrighted image again.

Image by (UB) Sean R 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I Spend Money....

For 21st century I have to write about some ways I spend money. The most common thing I spend money on is probably clothes and jewelry. I probably also spend a lot of money on random lotions and lip gloss that I will probably never use. One way I could change and save some money is to think before I buy: Am I going to use this? That will probably save me a lot of money, and keep me from buying things I will forget about later and never use.

Image by o5com

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Health Care

As another 21st assignment I have to right about the new health care law. The new law is called the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. It states that anyone who doesn't have health care by 2014 must pay a fine. Some people think that it is a good idea, but others believe that it goes against the constitution by forcing some people to buy something. The Supreme Court's final decision is due out in June, and will most likely have a major effect on the upcoming election.


Sadly my vacation is over, and I have to leave sunny Florida for good old Minnesota. But all good things come to an end, right? I had a great time! One of my favorite things about Disney is that there are lots of parks you can go to. One of them is called Epcot. Epcot's cool because it has this thing called the "World Showcase." The world showcase has little areas on some major places in th e world. They also have different foods from each place. I love trying foods I never would have had before. This trip I had swordfish and even caviar!